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Color magazine

The first four issues of Color Magazine

The first four issues of Color Magazine

B&W magazine has finally released a sister magazine, COLOR. The premiere issue, out last April, included the first installment of an essay written by Carol McCusker (photo curator of MoPA) on the history of color photography. The following two issues have subsequent installments.

COLOR follows the layout and philosophy of B&W. Feature articles on prominent photographers, curators, collectors, and the current value of color photographs appears in every issue. Spotlight articles on emerging photographers are plentiful, and I find them helpful to see what the current trends are in the photo world.

I much appreciate the fact that like B&W, the magazine is 80% meat, and 20% fat. By that I mean that there is minimal advertising interfering with the beautiful articles.

I canceled my subscription to B&W years ago because although it is a fabulous publication, I didn’t find it relevant to what is going on in the world of photography today, and I’ve shot only color for many years. I am very happy to be back in the fold with COLOR.

*Update as of the June 2011 issue, COLOR has merged with B&W. Instead of scrapping COLOR, the decision was made to add it to B&W in a dual magazine. The first part is B&W, and the second, COLOR.

Tom Toldrian, the publisher, writes “While B&W maintained a strong presence in the market-place, COLOR was never able to establish itself in the current economic climate. Although COLOR had a steadily growing subscriber base, advertising sales didn’t meet our expectations”.

About Gina Genis

Hi Friends, I'm a photographer and artist who lives in Washington DC. I have two blogs. The Gina Genis Blog is about art and photography. My new blog, DC Discoveries is dedicated to showing you everything from fashion to art, food to entertainment in all sections of the District. I hope you will take the journey with me. I exhibit my work in museums and galleries across the U.S. I'm included in the permanent collections of the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, the Otto G. Richter Library Special Collections Division of the University of Miami, Hard Rock Casino, Orange County Transit District, IBM, and the Sarah and Adam Markman Collection among others. My series "Window Peeping" was included in OsCene 2010 at the Laguna Art Museum, Truman State University, Fellows of Contemporary Art, Biola University, and solo shows at Gallery 825 and Cypress College. The "June Gloom" series was exhibited in a solo show at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The "Kala" series has been exhibited at MPLS Photo Center, Cypress College, and Gallery 825. "Economy Portraits" was created as an Artist In Residence project at the Huntington Beach Art Center, and was awarded "Best Art Show of 2011" by the OC Weekly. I curated Wide Angle View, an exhibit of 16 international, award-winning photo and multi-media journalists at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art to much critical acclaim. Recent reviews of my work have appeared in the Huffington Post, Art Scene, OC Weekly, Orange County Register, New University, Riviera Magazine, Coast Magazine, Huntington Beach Independent, and appeared on CNN, NBC, ABC, and more. I lead the Gina Genis Photo Workshops where I show beginning and intermediate photographers how to jump to the next level with their work. I also teach online photography courses through The Compelling Image.

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